The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FASHION!

It’s an institute that I had, so far, ignored but a couple of Saturdays ago I finally succumbed  to the pleasure that is The Clothes Show at Earls Court. Having heard both good and bad about the venture I was about to embark on, I feared that, like the Pyramids in Egypt, I might have left it too late to visit and the authenticity of the place would be lost. So stepping into Earls Court, both followed and proceeded by a vast number of stiletto’d tottering teens, I was pleasantly surprised by the feeling of excitement that swept over me. Some would say that may have something to do with the fact that there was a Kit-Kat cafe and they were giving away free Sensations but we shall ignore such scandalous accusations!

The original plan was to do a lap before committing to a location but my comrades in fashion were so entranced with the first set of stalls we came across, all choc full of floaty little numbers, that we started hunting through them straight away. They were all in ‘real girl’ sizes so you didn’t feel like a massive lump when trying on their deliciously summery designs and most items were under £40, so those looking to update their wardrobe or add some sizzle to their holiday outfits were in their element.

Another stall, another freebie. This time it was a little rest and a munch on the complimentary snack-a-jacks. We contemplated winning Gok Wan’s new book, but that involved queuing to add your details to a database and seemed far too tiresome. Instead we decided to just eat and and ooooh and ahhhhh at the shoes on sale and the girls wobble around in their crazy heels, (seems the dominatrix spike is making a comeback!)

After the Fashion Show it was time for more freebies. Two pots of Muller Light Rice Pudding later (its all food isn't it?) and we were off wandering around more beautiful stalls showcasing their wonderful wares. They even had a stand for the exceptionally lazy festival goer who wants to wear a crown of flowers to look all ethereal but can’t be bothered to make it themselves.

What the clothes show does so well is to continually feed the zing of excitement you get when a nice smiley lady hands you something you don’t have to pay for. And so it was that we found ourselves with a double pack of Pantene shampoo and conditioner in our bags and a couple of different flavoured Martinis in our hands.

We spent many a happy hour working out if we could afford that that new maxi dress (probably not) and if we were going to get it anyway (what do you think?) whilst marveling at the Martini stand’s decorations.  Not the worst way to spend an afternoon is it?

And just when you thought there were no more surprises on the way out, there was another queue by the front door (which looked long but really moved quickly). Being British and loving a good queue we joined in the fun and found it was for your leaving present goodie bag. Including a wide array of feminine hygiene sample products (!) But also with the aforementioned Kit Kat again, it made a happy ever after ending for the bargain hunter in anyone.

The Clothes Show occurs twice yearly and the next one is scheduled for 3rd – 4th December 2010 in Birmingham. Here are a few tips if you decide that you want to go along:

1. Get there Early as you can, so the crowds don’t take away from your enjoyment of wandering around.
2. Wear clothes you can slip dresses over There appeared to be only 1 changing room in the whole place.
3. Wear flat slip on shoes. Though there are many places to sit and chill, the Clothes Show still demands a fair amount of walking.
4. Check out which magazines have the best freebies before being sucked into buy them (unless you want 3 magazines and a carrier bag full of trial sized make ups and beauty products.  Which now I think about it, sounds pretty awesome, so ignore that. Buy and grab and run to the next stall!).
5. Bathroom Break Rules The Men’s loos were pretty much empty of the less fair sex most of the time. So if you are brave and don’t want to wait crossed legged for a wee I suggest running in to the gents with your eyes closed (though try not to bump into anyone/thing)
6. Lunch means spending at least a tenner at any of the stalls and can get very busy. The salad bar (which comes with chicken, salmon or a veggie quiche) had the smallest queue (for obvious reasons!) and is recommended for if you are feeling virtuous or if, like me, you turn all incredible hulky when hungry and not fed.
7. BEST TIP - If you have a Tesco’s Club Card the cost of the ticket (£25 plus booking fee) can be bought with just £8.50 worth of Clubcard Vouchers!



Hey Gorgeous, let me know what you think? (no trolling!)

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