The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Other People's Blogs

Other people’s lives are so great to comment on and as we are fast approaching the twenty-teens, these days other people’s lives just happen to be up on the internet for all to see.

In the whole of my 2 months blogging, I have investigated what other people deem worthy of noting and have come across a large number of really really dull blogs. Obviously this is just my opinion and I am sure that, had anyone happened across my ramblings, they may well think the same of mine. And hey, that’s cool, half the time I don’t know why I write what I write anyway.

The topics that personally repel me are mainly about blogger’s children.  I could probably have lived my whole life perfectly content without knowing that today little Cassie did a poo in the big toilet and I especially didn’t need a picture.

Others that annoy are those that spew about life with overly religious undertones and one that I find particularly unforgiving got the blog address I wanted and appears to mainly be about a group of quilt makers. I am assured this is the real deal, though I think it’s more likely to be a cover (geddit, cover? quilt, I crack myself up!) for some illegal drug barron activity.

Luckily as well as the tripe that the dullsvilles produce, there is a serious number of blogs which are pretty much awesome in the true sense of the word. So, not that they really need it, I thought I would do my own Blogs of Note here:

Since 24 has finished and all my other programmes have come to a series end my husband and I started watching something called ‘Sons of Anarchy’. Mainly because when we saw a trailer for the second series, he recognised Henry Rollins playing a Nazi arsehole in a motorcycle gang's town. I am no more particularly a fan of bikers than Sandra Bullock is now (that’s not a dig, we all know she rocks!) but I have to admit to being just a tad hooked. Whether this is due my TV-addictive personality or that it’s a gritty and well made TV series that challenges your moral stand and questions how things work and should work in small town USA, you’ll have to work out for yourself.

It’s highly probably that one of the reasons for my addiction is due to the Jax Teller character. Never really went for blondes before but even though he does have rather small piggy like eyes and wears massive white trainers rather than biker boots he’s definitely my new crush.

Mentioned in the titles of this show is the name Kurt Sutter, written by, directed by, and all over envisioned by as far as I can tell and his is the above named blog. It’s not for kids as he swears, a lot! but it’s well deserved topics that get sworn at. He is also manages to put his point across eloquently at the same time as writing about f**king douchebags. A skill which I would love to master, his open letter to Lindsey Lohan alone makes his blog worth a read. It’s also comforting, from a new bloggers perspective, to see that his first God knows how many blogs got either 1 or no comments at all!

Just a word of warning: If you are in the middle of SOA series 1 or 2 don’t read the Series 3 update he has written (yeah I get that’s obvious but I did it and having only see the end of series 1 and eagerly awaiting series 2 being released in the UK in the middle of August I now know something that I really shouldn’t for a good few episodes yet).

Sleep Talkin’ Man

Sleep talking, if you’ve ever heard it, is weirdly funny at the best of times but a serial sleep talker is in a class all of their own. Thank God ‘Adam’s’ wife decided to clue us all in to his unconscious comments and thank you sleep talkin man, you have made several hours at work very very entertaining. If you need a giggle this is definitely the blog to spend some time with.

Cranium Bolts

Some people are massively lucky and live in incredibly picturesque places on this planet. Some people are massively talented and can see a picture where other people just see everyday life. Some people have massively expensive camera equipment. Seems Shiju Sugunan is the kind of bastard that has all three of these and a blog so he can prove it. Not sure how happy he would be, with my mentioning him in the same blog as Kurt Sutter, seeing as he says he hates action.  Or how he would feel about being called a bastard – no offense meant Shiju, sarcasm is my first form of expression.  But if you want to see something truly beautiful images turn to his blog. Honestly you won’t be disappointed.

So there you go, next time you are bored give these guys a try. Just don’t stop reading mine as well though yeah?


  1. Ooh, that's Charlie Hunnam in "Sons of Anarchy" playing Jax! Did you ever watch the original "Queer as Folk"? He got naked in that - A LOT.

  2. If you like blogs with awesome photography, check out Tokyo Times. The guy has an awesome eye for the interesting and unusual.

  3. @Lauren, That Hunnam guy is very very yummy - Heard he was really young in QaF but if he gets naked I might need to dig it out.

    @Foster! I may just do that! :)


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