The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Sunday 22 October 2017

Visiting Undley Pumpkin Patch


So I'm doing the thing everyone tells us not to do today by adding a random post after not updating my blog for a while. I honestly have about 10 half finished ideas for blogs at the moment, none of which have been completed because 'lazy' and 'busy'.  However I had to add a little post today as this morning I went to Undley Pumpkin Patch which depending on your view and whether you have/like kids is either ridiculously fun or hell on earth! 

As a child-free person that loves the autumnal season in particular I'd say its a bit of both. True there were some kids screaming and contorting their spine 'til you swear its about to snap because they aren't allowed on the bouncy castle again.  However if you can ignore this the pumpkin patch is the best around, I lost count of the sheer number of shapes, sizes and colours that were available.

They have a huge array of the weird, wiggly, 'hipster pumpkins' or gourds/squashes as well. These little beauties were the very reason we drove for 45 minutes and I was not disappointed.  I'd even go so far as to say this is it the happiest I have ever been in a field, in the middle of nowhere, watching #StormBrian whip small children up in the air and fling them over to live out their days in the land of Oz*

Whatever your family situation if you're a fan of autumnal veggies - for creative or edible reasons - Undley Farm is definitely the place to go. Those that aren't used to being around a mess** of littl'uns I would suggest military precision planning to get in, get your squash and get out before the hoards arrive!

Thanks to Charlotte Steggz whose instagram post inspired my trip. 

Incidentally, Charlotte arranged #CBGTownIndoorMarketa clothing and crafts fair in Cambridge which was my other creative seasonal event this weekend.  We enjoyed a wonderful workshop run by The Trove in which we decorated letters and signs, a necessity for any self respecting blogger's bedroom or office. 

If you want to know more you'll have to pop back next week as this will be the topic of my next post.  This stuff isn't just thrown together you know***!

*Fairly huge exaggeration.
** yes that is the correct grammatical term of a collection of children
***Well not often...

1 comment

  1. Gaaah I feel like I too am in danger of heading to the pumpkin patch! My only bother is that while I love Halloween I never actually eat the pumpkin - I hate the smell! Sure does look like fun though 🙂



Hey Gorgeous, let me know what you think? (no trolling!)

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