The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Sunday 28 August 2016

American Road Trip - Post 1 of some!

My holiday this year was an odd one. Dad having visited Arizona approximately 137 times* decided he wanted us to see what it was that enthralled him with this state... So he paid for me, the husband, my two sisters, their partners and their respective offspring to come with him to the places he likes to go.  This turned into the road trip to end all others, and by that I mean it was so odd no other road trip will compare. 

Usually people go to the US of A to hit up some of the national parks, visit wine country and possibly a coastline or two. But not this family.  Arriving at Phoenix, which we landed at around 9pm, I was glad to hear the day had cooled off a little as locals advised us it had been 'really quite warm' during the day. As we headed out of the terminal we were greeted by a chilly 109 (that's 42 to us Europeans) degrees. Yep, basically we'd arrived here...

After checking in at a motel I got to tick off a bucket list action. I executed the wildly exciting 'filling my ice bucket from an ice machine' like a real American!  

What followed was the crappiest night sleep of the holiday as the need for air con fought with the need for some shut eye. No one tells you air con units sound like jet planes taking off in your room.  But no matter! The joys of jet lag meant we were all milling around from 4am anyway.

Moving on to the first real town of the holiday. Prescott is a gorgeous little place I highly recommend you visit if your family is as mental as mine.  Dealing with kids and oldies meant it was only the husband and I that stayed out after dinner and we were greeted by true small town Americana.  Stumbling upon a fundraiser of some kind we checked the place for 'Trump for President' signs and not seeing any paid our entrance fee, receiving a free gin or craft beer for our troubles. A word to the wise American shots are about 137 times* the strength of ours, down them at your peril.  

A few minutes of what looked like a scene straight out of a Sandra Bullock chick flick and the heavens opened pouring sweet blessed rain onto the steaming pavement below us. Cooling the temperature to an acceptable 76 (24) and making the walk back to the jet engine air on all the nicer.  

Next time. Sedona!

*slight exaggeration

Gifs from Gify



  1. Oh wow what an amazing thing for your dad to do for the family. Would love to go. We were going to go but went to madives instead xx

    1. Right? We're so lucky. Maldives doesn't sound to shabby though! Look out for the grand canyon post thats coming up. That was awesome!

  2. Oh my goodness, he paid for you all? I might have to mention this to my Dad whose favourite place is Hawaii haha! That does sound like slightly hellish temperatures though, I'm not surprised you couldn't sleep!

    Laura xx | Loved By Laura

    1. Yep! Am certain it's a one off though! Tell your dad I love Hawaii too.

  3. I always forget that ice buckets aren't the norm. As a Canadian I'm pretty used to them being a hotel staple, but we were definitely missing them when we traveled to Ireland ;)

    Erin | Explore, Refresh

    1. No and I love them! Think we should have them here as well.


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