The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Thursday 2 July 2015

9 New Design Students To Look Out For

Maya Lavellin

As someone who once managed to sew the skirt she was wearing (and attempting to hem) to her tights, the idea of making clothes is pretty unfathomable.  That others choose to study the art and produce a collection to the standard I saw at the Anglia Ruskin BA Hons Fashion Show blows my mind even more.  But this is what they did and while not all the pieces made where what I consider to be wearable, there were some truly exciting visions strutting down the runway at Imperial War Museum on 15th June. Here are my top 9 (cos top 10's are just annoying).
Li-Qi Saw
Goddess chic was rife.  Whether it be Indian, Grecian or Tribal a celebration of women seemed to be one theme adopted by many of the designers.  One or two like Li-Qi Saw opted for the ‘take the red pill Neo’ look but were finished with great tailoring.  Plus let’s face it, they’re too young to have watched the matrix aren’t they?
Alice Parmantier
Alice Parmantier worked with gathered floating fabrics, giving a Midsummer’s Night Dream aspect to her creations.  Meanwhile Marwa Chaanbi produced high wasted patterned looks for Indian royality that like to have bare midriffs.
Marwa Chaanbi

Channesse Magumbate
Channesse Magumbate gave us some floral numbers, the likes of which wouldn’t have been out of place in a high end high street store (given a little steaming!).  Unfortunately there were one or two less than perfect finishes to some of her looks.  

Eliza Embley’s lingerie had a professional quality and she included some of the most exquisitely delicate lace in her collection.  This was when things got a bit ‘boobs in your face’-y, I didn’t see the need for bras minus the cups but maybe I’m just a tad traditional that way!
Eliza Embley

Savanah Herbert
Savanah Herbert’s denim top fell in an ever so flattering way.  While Simeng Pan’s dramatic look made me wonder why people don't use tulle in everyday wear more often. 
Simeng Pan

Tori Biyibi
Toritshesan (Tori) Biyibi would have been my favourite, as all her looks including this twenties inspired drop waist dress, were so different yet so versatile.  In the end, though it was Maya Lavellin’s collection that truly won my heart. The corsets alone made this standout as the work of someone bound for great things.
Maya Lavellin

Which is your favourite?


  1. Wow these designs are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!


  2. Beautiful and simply! I like those a lot :)

    1. Me to, am so lucky to be invited to these events.

  3. My favorite is Tori Biyibi's because it looks simple but still delicate and romantic<3


    1. I loved Tori's work too, it was so well tailored up close.

  4. All these designers look so good! I particularly like Marwa Chaanbi's outfit <3 Gisforgingers xx

    1. Good choice. It was so colourful and had a great pattern up close.


Hey Gorgeous, let me know what you think? (no trolling!)

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