The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Thursday 18 June 2015

Blogging Envy.

I have this friend (no really).

She’s one of those lovely types that can bake anything, has bags of energy and is all round great company. I love her to bits but have to admit to having a small twinge when she told me she was about to start blogging as well.  Because being somewhat of a superstar at pretty much everything she tries I knew her blog would be awesome sauce.  That the posts would come thick and fast and that her writing would be funny and have great flow (they do and it does).  If truth be told I was concerned she would show me up.

You see I’ve been plodding along writing blogs for a good few years.  Not really paying much attention to who (if anyone) was reading them until I few months ago when I decided to get on with my dream of becoming a ‘real’ writer. But by then it felt like I was at the back of a bloody long queue, that the counter on the wall says ‘now serving 03’ and this is my ticket

Kill me now!

And that any minute my friend was about to shoot past me.

When I first read her posts all the things I disliked about my own writing style seemed glaringly obvious.  My sentences are too long, my grammar sucks and what’s in my head doesn’t always translate to the page with the humour or clarity I'd hoped for.  It would have been all too easy to spiral. “How come she’s so poignant”? or “I wish I was that funny” and finally “I’m never going to be that good”.  But you lot stopped me.

I'm currently in the middle of a blogging community that have been, and continue to be, ridiculously supportive of each other.  It's because of this I was able to see her achievements as what they truly are.


You see my friend is this good for a reason!  She works stonkingly hard at producing clever, insightful, funny posts.  She has studied and taken classes to be able to write well and she’s the first one to cheer on her friends in all they do.

So rather than have other's success detract from mine I'm going to make it work the other way around.  I'm going to up my game. The fact that there are a gazillion people blogging as well just means I need to work harder to create something I'm proud of.  Not to ‘beat everyone else’ but just to be better.

There’s room for all of us to do what it is that we want to do.

So really this is just a little thank you to the blogging girls I have met over the past few months. And especially to that little power house that has spurred me on.

You know who you are.


  1. I totally agree - that's just as the blogging world should be - building everyone up not knocking people down. I love the blogging community, there is always someone on hand to help you out when you need it, whether it's how to edit in blogger or whether a certain tube stop has a taxi rank outside!! xx

    Laura | Loved By Laura

    1. We really have got a lovely group haven't we?

  2. Hi there, I check your blog daily. Your writing style is witty, keep it up!

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  3. Alice, you are an awesome blogging don't ever compare yourself, be yourself through & through!
    Jo aka Miss Sue Flay

    1. Thanks Jo, am using it all as incentive don't worry!

  4. You're amazing and hilarious :) Don't worry about others!

    1. Aw shucks, thanks hun. It's cool, I'm using it all for good.

  5. I believe in that just be true to yourself and post whatever you truly love, people who admire you and like you will come :)

  6. Oh. I know how it feels. And it's difficult nor to get carried away comparing yourself with others, in the blogging world but also the real world. You just need to take a step back and realise how proud you can be of your own achievement. As you justly did. And you're right instead of lingering on the envy and the self doubt, other logs should just inspire you to make yours even better. It's nice to hear that you have such a helpful and supportive blogging community. That's what it's really about. xx Dandy I

    1. Thanks for that, its nice to know we all feel this way sometimes.


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