The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Friday 15 April 2016

Neal's Yard Remedies - Cambridge Event

Having suffered with crappy health for the past month including tonsillitis, a kidney infection (FFS!) and a hacking cough I took a sort of unscheduled hiatus from blogging.  But I'm back now and what better topic to start with then discovering the apothecary wonders of Neal's Yard at their blogger event in Cambridge.

I've always liked Neal's Yard hand cream and thought of them as 'fairly pc' but had no idea quite how proud they are of being one of the most holistic stores on the high street, the website is awash with details of their transparency and integrity.  So confident are the Cambridge team that when I questioned them on the supposed imminent arrival of Origins and their competition they exclaimed 'we have no competition! No one does what we do'.

Arriving at the event I was given a glass of prosecco and some canapés, good start guys, while the ever enthusiastic staff talk me through the lotions and potions that surrounded us.  It's here I discovered a substance called Spirulina, a vibrant teal blue powder that gives you a boost of Vitamin B as well as being a powerful detoxifier.  I was advised 1 shot a day in smoothies would have you feeling a difference in your well being after only a few weeks. 

The skin care range is perhaps what they are most well known for and a wonderful hand and arm massage with Wild Rose Beauty Balm was perfect for the tired limbs of bloggers and photographers always on the go. This product is reported to have 10 uses including a moisture boost (perfect for long haul flights!) lip balm and facial mask.  It's quite an intense scent and isn't for everyone but having used it for a few days I can tell you even my 'dead leaf' hands and feet are feeling the smoothing effects.

The small but perfectly formed store opened in Rose Crescent over 15 years ago, being one of the most popular and ever changing streets in Cambridge it really has stood the test of time.  Talking of small but perfectly formed a nod has to be given to the goodie bag I left with.  While others fill your boots with leaflets, samples and random bumpf Neal's Yard took the high road.  A full size product and 30 minute therapy taster session.  

I can't wait to book mine (though the near constant engaged tone or answering machine in the Cambridge phone may well hinder this a tad!) 

Have you used Neal's Yard products or therapies? 


  1. Replies
    1. They have some really interesting products dont they? Haven't heard of Emma Kenny, will check them out


Hey Gorgeous, let me know what you think? (no trolling!)

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