The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Thursday 1 October 2015

Review: Mallory Knox - Good Natured Gig.

So last night I continued my descent into teenage EMO regression by going to the Mallory Knox gig at the Cambridge Junction.  The band being from Cambridge (tenuous link, a friend's boyfriend used to play cricket with one of them, no idea which one though) I was intrigued to see what they had for their home fans. 

You know how some bands start off slowly and warm you up as they go?  Yeah, the Knox don't do that. Shout at the Moon and Wake Up were the first two songs up and the energy continued from there.  I was a little concerned that I wouldn't know many of the lyrics being a newish fan and the aforementioned ditties being among my favourites.  I worried I might get a little turned off toward the middle or end of the night but this wasn't to be.  The band front man Mikey Chapman was relaxed, chatty and inclusive keeping us enthralled and entertained through the set.  

At times he did get a bit emo himself, telling us how much he loved us and urging us to love each other and make the world a better place, all a bit USA type mushy. While certain American feminist, atheist, vegetarian You tubers go on and on AND ON about how famous people can't really love their fans, I got the sense that these guys really do have a great deal of affection and gratitude for theirs. Which in a way is a kind of love isn't it?

One thing that really stood out to me was the fans - young as they were - and how cool they were to each other.   In a small venue like the Junction which holds less than 1,000 people there were circle pits and walls of death a plenty.  All of which was I closer to than I had ever been seeing as I'm more a Manolos then mosh pit kinda girl.  And while there was tons of shoving the second, someone fell over there were at least 3 others there helping them up.  One guy even lost his glasses and we all stood back while he retrieved them. 
That's not the do-si-do they're doing.
I'm sure all this makes me sound like a complete grandma and maybe it has always been this way.  I've got to say though it really gave me such affection for the people there, whose only interest was to enjoy themselves and look out for each other.  Maybe I'll join in next time.

I said maybe!

PS tickets still available for some gigs here.

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