The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Monday 1 December 2014

Give me Liberty or give me Death! - Liberty of London post

Working part time has more than a few perks.  Traveling to our capital city when everyone else is encased in their offices and visiting Liberty of London during this time is one of them. While this famous store is well known for prints and designer gear, if you're at all into architecture it's well worth a walk around the building without the hustle and bustle of the Saturday crowds.  Taking in the ornate carvings of the door frames and beams next to the latest offerings of McQueen and McCartney is a cool juxtaposition of tradition and trend.

I love the staircases that takes you from designer handbags to the Christmas store as it's dripping with history.  The creak of wood that's been trampled by countless shoppers since 1875 conjures up positively Narnian images and the scent of oak and entitlement oozes out of every corner.  The whole building has otherworldly aspects, you can almost see the hands of ghost customers reaching out to touch the scarves in the hall.
I found Liberty's display walls to have a quality which beckons you towards objects you wouldn't normally go for.  You could find yourself 'remembering' how much you need that ribbon or tapestry cushion that's in front of you. Or after a wander through the intoxicating home-ware section all of a sudden you may be thinking "yes actually I do want a tea tray with a portrait of a monkey dressed up like a Lord on it" although a look at the price tag may sober you up somewhat.
or maybe not.
The haberdashery floor can make even the most creatively challenged among us - i.e. me - consider re-buttoning and thereby reinventing their coats.  British Designers and Vintage wear seems to be Liberty's lifeline and the fact that they have their own separate rooms show how proud it is of our British Heritage.

Purple has long been my favourite colour and I've worn it for years.  True, I over did it the first year I went ski-ing by wearing nothing but the colour all week and resembled a slow moving Ribenna berry for the entire holiday.  However from now on, as it's Liberty's colour it will no longer be reminiscent of my fashion faux-pas.  It will be a call to arms, to spend more time in Liberty.


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