The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Sunday 11 May 2014

100th Post - Today's Wish List

So this is my 100th post, not sure how I feel about reaching my centenary but wanted to thank everyone that has stopped by, be it once or a bunch of times for checking me out. 

Today's post is a general wish list of things I yearned for this weekend but for couldn't really afford. Mainly cos last week I treated myself to a certain skull covered hot pink scarf so no need to feel sorry for me!  Wish list posts are one step further than window shopping, as I have pictures of the things I want and therefore in a 2 dimensional way I already own them, right?

Boudoir Femme
I'm lucky enough to live of a beautiful city with a good selection of independent and high street shops and often find myself wandering into this boutique as the clothes here always seem to be unique.  They are on the cha-ching side but for a little treat they do stock the cutest and reasonably priced jewellery line called Hultquist.  I swear I would love any of their bracelets (NB dear husband in case you're reading this :) The staff are generally lovely as well, always ready for a quick chat or to let you browse in peace if that's your poison.

Karen Millen
A brand which I used to love but then went a little (dare I say it 'the fairs in town'). Cheap materials and gaudy designs turned me off, but today I stopped in and found these little gems.
I'm not sure what, if anything has changed at head office, but as cute summer dress designs go KM are back in my good books.  The material felt so much smoother and a decent quality as well, like an LK Bennett or Reiss dress, only a tad cheaper.  Which is no bad thing, both those high end high street stores, though lovely, could do with a bit of healthy competition!
The shoes are lovely too and (praise be!) they seem to have started doing 1/2 sizes. Let all the odd footed of us rejoice!
Paper Chase
I've had a stationary habit (some would say affliction) for quite some time now and love a browse around this shop.  It's here I saw a postcard stand all cheerful and cheap and at risk of giving my age away I found myself wondering why don't we write to people anymore? I'm not talking getting your quill and ink out, just little 'thinking of you' card to a friend or someone you haven't chatted to in a while.  I may start a one woman protest to get the humble postcard back in circulation.
The White Company
Another of my 'afflecitions' is candles, living with a man means there are times when a decent candle is essential! While some do smell like old lady wee, these two were fresh and fragrant without being overpowering. Yummy.
We also have a killer Saturday market, great for food stuffs, picnic and nicknack's! today I found this cheese (another thing I'm addicted to, I had no idea there were so many!) from The Cheese and Pie Man.  This one was 4 yrs old, really creamy and the best bit is it comes in a comedy cartoon bomb shape.  The pies looked pretty good too!
The Tailors Cat
Finally, I walked past the best Wedding dress shop in town (it's where I got mine from) and found this gorgeous thing in the window.  The dresses and the owner are both some of the loveliest I have encountered.  I wonder if my husband would marry me again so I can wear this one?
I can but dream...

Photos are all my own, please credit me if you choice to 'borrow' any of them, thanking you!

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