The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Monday 3 March 2014

Its only the Flippin' Oscars!

Seriously, the red carpet season is over already? Like a bad boyfriend it saunters in after making us wait For. Ever, bestows a couple of gifts upon us (Lupita Nyong'o) and then just buggers off!  No I Love you, no forwarding address, just disappears leaving us both exhilarated and a little lonely. No matter, we will struggle on, however, just before we go to pastures new there is time for a look at The Carpet of Red Carpets. First lets get the men out of the way...

Gotta mention the white from Ryan Seacrest and Jared Leto.  Leto doing his best buddy Christ from Dogma (did you know he was 42? Me either!)  Then there's Pharrel, not in white but having such a laugh with everything he wears (shorts, hats, who cares wear what you want eh Phar?) So onto the ladies...

The Meh's
So you can't always get it right and these guys didn't really deliver (for me anyway)

Lupita Nyong'o - Prada
While the colour is lovely, the headband works and she seems like such a sweetie, the plunging front just does nothing for her.  Unfortunately her chest is just too manly to pull it off, if she had kept the Ralph Lauren Golden Globes outfit for tonight she'd have, hands down, been Best Dressed.  Totally glad she won the Oscar though!

Elsa Pataky Elie Saab
It's not just me is it, this is a bit weird right? while I applaud her bravery and I love the colour, with the likes of Ms Wilde also on the carpet and also pregnant it just doesn't measure up.

Viola Davis - Escada
Ugh, don't you just hate it when you like a person and want them to look so cool and then they come out on the red carpet and its like, oh.  It's just not my cup of tea, if she likes it then fair enough but I'm a  little disappointed.

The Goodies
 Olivia Wilde, Valentino
How gorgeous is she! 7 months up the duff and still looking so beautiful.  Love her eye makeup, the hair, that jewellery, the pocket! its all just 100% knock out.

Charlize Theron - Dior
This has such a great silhouette and, being a model before an actress, she can make anything look good but the see through straps are a little off putting, I'd have loved a bit more bling there instead of that odd 'illusion' strap. Damn that's a hot necklace though!

Emma Watson - Vera Wang
Hot hot hot, Obviously it's the face that makes this and even the most simple gown is gonna look good on this girl.   Love that she did a high neckline and bucked the 'flesh showing' trend.

Jennifer Lawrence - Dior
While I am tears BORED of Dior on Law (ooh I just realised that rhymes, ha!) this is a great dress on her.  The hair is a little too Jane Fonda for me but word to the wise, THIS it how you wear peplum.

Sandra Bullock Alexander McQueen
Well this is just perfect.  It fits so well and she really knows what suits her, she is my idol and looks gorgeous.  She would have been best dressed but for one girl who looked damn hot and actually took a little risk so just pipped her to the post...

Kate Hudson - Atelier Versace
Kate hit the nail right slap bang on the head with this old Hollywood gown which is perfectly tailored.  She's got the right hair style too.  I am totally obsessed with capes so this is, for sure BEST DRESSED.

Liza Minelli - Halston
OK not to slag off a legend but this isn't great is it?  There was a small nip slip and its all a bit too pyjamas, but kudos for matching her hair stripe to her outfit colour.  For everything else however its a WORST DRESSED.

So that's it. Red Carpets. Done!  what the heck am I going to blog about now? (I'll find something don't you worry!)

All images are from Vogue except the Just Jared (that you can see) and Leto/Seacreast which is E! Online.



  1. Oh thank goodness! I thought I was the only one that didn't like Lupita Nyong'o dress! To me it makes her look anorexic! You can see her rib cage!

  2. We do seem to be in a minority Elle J. Each to their own though :)

  3. Well done, great article! Yes a shame about Lupita's dress, the Golden Globe Ralph Lauren was a triumph. Such a slender straight figure needs a bit more structure and she looks amazing in a strong color.

  4. I always have a blast reading your red carpet reviews! You nailed it with the men, the not so greats and goodies. I agree with you on Ms. Hemsworth. Now I know she's preggers but that was one odd choice. Charlize, Olivia and Kate shined like bright stars and oh Liza...she gave me the blues. LOL

    Great post doll! XOXO


  5. Thanks for your comments ladies always appreciated! Enjoy your weekends


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