The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Anyone for Met Ball?

Oh goody, its rolled around again, the red carpet that (if you believe the stories) banned Kim K from walking last year - though it seems Ms Wintour had something to say about that this year as Kimye and Anna had supper the other night.  One can only dream of the scintillating conversation that flowed at that dinner party.

The theme of Punk Chaos to Couture proves if you pose it correctly, you can get Hollywood's elite to look mahoosively daft in the name of fashion (though that's hardly a new aim now is it.) Shall we?

BAD: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck is this meant to be Kim? The matching shoes, the matching gloves? she looks like a large bowl of potpourri! Look at Kanye's face, even he knows this is bad!

GOOD: SJP - Any excuse to wear a Philip Treacy eh Sas?  I actually quite liked this one, True its a little 'Last of the Mohicans', but at least she's made an effort to go along with the theme whilst still looking high end.

BAD:The Fanning sisters, a true image of younger sister going for a look that will take the limelight off of her older sister, and failing, GOOD: Dakota looked amazing while Elle looked just plan odd, but at least she has youth on her side, the same can't be said for 

BAD: Ginifer Goodwin.  this is not couture or cool or anything other than bad crayoned on make up.  EPIC FAIL!

GOOD: Katy Perry, Yep she looks a little odd but she can seriously pull off the punk vibe and added a little of her own style to the look, me likey.

BAD: Miley, oh my(ley).  Can anyone say Madonna circa 1980, speaking of..

WORST: Madonna, Seriously? Lourdes's therapy just stretched out to her 30th Birthday after this outfit!

GOOD: Cara, Alright this girl is SO annoying as she has completely saturated the market with her image, but on this occasion she does look pretty darn hot (though her job is to look good in clothes so you would hope she could pull off a dress like this).

MEH: Sienna Miller, Whilst you look lovely dear, please note 'punk' doesn't just mean adding a studded leather jacket to a white dress. 

BEST: Anne Hathaway! finally after a seriously long time of looking like a bit of a douche, my Anne comes out guns blazing again.  Not everyone can rock a dark brown to platinum blonde (take note Leigh Lezark) but Anne can.  Nice to see she's still friends with Valentino as well after the Oscars Fiasco!

Did I miss anyone you thought deserved a mention (good or bad!)

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