The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Monday 13 February 2012

Graftas and Bammys!

Oh award Gods, not that I would question your infinite wisdom but to have both the BAFTAS and the Grammys on the same weekend seems a little short sighted (if you don't mind my saying). What joys you have robbed us of! Watching Rhianna and Meryl Streep chatting about gowns (and politics too probably, you know what RiRi's like) hearing Nicki Minaj giving Colin Firth tips on flow. These are conversations that may never happen now due to the ceremonies occuring on either side of the pond on the same weekend. That said, like a good middle sister, I will solider on, stoically, and without complaint and simply turn my attention to advising the low down on what was worn by whom for BOTH red carpets. Cos I'm just that good!

Rhianna, Armani
Speaking of low down! Split to the thigh? Check! Split to the navel? Check! Bad dye job? Check! On anyone else this is a hot mess, on Rhianna, most people still would.

Kelly Osborne, Tony Ward
Super cute, I'm even coming round to the purple rinse, but no matter what her hair colour she's still never going to be as cool as...

Katy Perry, Elie Saab

I don't care if she is starting to resemble the blueberry one from the Strawberry Shortcake dolls, she can come round to mine and moan about Brand whenever she wants!

Adele, Armani - Best Dressed
Love this girl, love that she won so many awards, love that she looks a million dollars. Now please PLEASE stop losing weight!

Fergie, Jean Paul Gaultier - Worst Dressed

Oh Lordy! Did she mean to come out in Josh Duhamel's Y fronts?

Robyn, Calvin Klein - No wait! I take it back, THIS is worst dressed!
Seriously, what the hell is this? A warning to all DO NOT tailor your own clothes no matter how much you love you new (and also fucking ugly) boots.

Onto the Baffs - be prepared a shock is coming!
Michelle Williams H & M?
Holy Dawson's Creek! Not only does she look great but she's wearing a dress from H & M! loving this, please Shelly, don't ever go back to designer frocks again.

Tilda Swinton, Celine
OK what the fuck is going on here?! Have the two people I slag off most finally started reading my blog and decided to wear clothing that actually suits their bodies? Sure Tilda's makeup is still pretty crap but many many props on not emulating a drag queen at this red carpet.

Christina Ricci, Givenchy
Well its a tad too Dynasty for me but she's so cute she can get away with it, you can pretend she's Red Carpet Barbie and pop her in your pocket if the look gets on your nerves too much.

Kristen Wiig, Alberta Ferretti
Has she had some surgery? I swear I thought this was Mandy Moore when I first saw this photo.

Melissa George, Victoria Beckham - Best Dressed
Its highly possible she's been raiding Angelina Jolie's wardrobe, but am loving the drama of the waved hair, dark lip and slinky gown.

Naomi someone (am sure she wouldn't want us to remember her name in this get up anyway!), Pucci - Worst Dressed
And we have the answer to can you bleach and dye yellow an old Halloween costume then wear it to a red carpet without anyone noticing!

Some surprises there then, I think I need a little lie down now!

All photos from In Style Magazine


  1. Oooh, how I love awards season! With the Grammys, I thought Adele looked great, but Robyn looked like a complete idiot and Rihanna just looked like a skank to me. Just my opinion, but the hair and dress made her look cheap and nasty.

    As for the BAFTAs, I thought
    Kristen Wiig and Melissa George looked gorgeous but my favourite was Gillian Anderson, dressed again by the fabulous William Banks-Blaney (@WilliamVintage) - I think we need to add a visit to his shop to our London trip!

  2. Am there with bells on - may even blog the visit (if we can find the shop that is!)


Hey Gorgeous, let me know what you think? (no trolling!)

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