The wonderings, ponderings and other 'ings' of me. Lifestyle, review, news and opinion posts. Chic with a hint of sarcasm... hopefully!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Wot Ryan Done

I obviously never knew Ryan personally. He seemed like the kind of guy that just wanted to make people laugh (or gross them out depending on you perception of 'funny') so a guy like that dying really is a shame. It's genuinely and deeply sad for the people that did know and love him, but the reaction of some to his death (or reaction to the reaction to his death as it were) is what's really concerning.

The first thing I wondered was who the heck are all the people weighing in on the Twitter war between Bam Margera and Roger Ebert as I am doing now but at least on a personal blog (not a site either of those involved are likely to see).

For those that haven't heard, the day the news broke Ebert wrote 'Friends don't let jackasses drive drunk' and Margera responded '"I just lost my best friend, I have been crying hysterically for a full day and piece of shit roger ebert has the gall to put in his 2 cents."

One man who knew Dunn and one who didn't hashing it out is bad enough but the myriad of average Joes who feel the need to add their opinion without seeming to at least imagine themselves in either Eberts or Margera's position really is insane. That they also spew comments, harsh in judgement, telling Bam to grow up or that Ebert should die! but not even leave a real name stinks of cowardice (and I can say that here knowing most of you do know me and if any don't I'm happy to send you my personal email address should you want it!)

No one wants to hear a stranger speaking badly about a friend, much less on the day they died no matter what the circumstances. Bam's reaction is one of grief, he's just lost one of his best mates, someone that he spent many years with and loved like a brother. Ebert's comments would have just added a huge dollop of guilt into the mass of emotions Bam was already experiencing so lets just lay off telling him to grow up the same week he's working though his loss.

To say Ebert's timing is 'a bit' off is like saying reality TV stars are 'a bit' fame hungry. I'm not one who is known for their tact, having in the past asked friends if they've worn a item of clothing 'on purpose" and pointing out to my sisters when they look a bit pudgy (its never meant with malice and normally a byproduct of diarrhea mouth or a poor sense of comic timing). So God knows I'm not one to judge but I do wonder what Ebert thought he would achieve by the comment?

It's highly possible Dunn had been drinking (we wont know for sure until the toxicology tests are finished) and even if he had been stone cold sober, he was driving recklessly at over 120 mph. Ebert must have known that Dunn's friends and family could see his twitter and once it's out there in the twitterverse its out for good. Ebert's comment looks to be of the knee-jerk variety and that's how kids respond to things, not adults that should have a smidgen of empathy available to them and bloody well know better.

The other thing I wondered was if Dunn hadn't been famous would we really all feel so forgiving about his actions? Had we all found out an ordinary dude (allegedly) drank 3 beers, 3 shots and then drove themselves off a road in Chester I suspect most of the people saying Ebert should 'have some respect' would quickly move their judgement over to the other side and be harping on about drink driving themselves.

If anything good was to come from the events that day it would be for us to remember not to drink and drive or to put the kibosh on our speeding in general. So if you do see someone inebriated looking to drive home, for fuck's sake take the keys off of them! It could easily be one of your friends or family whose life your actions saved by stopping said drunkard from driving away.

Here endeth my sermon.

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